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Nettle Beer

Bottles filled, labelled and ready to go.
Or How To Brew a Different Social Relationship Based on Commoning Rather Than Alienation (including a br ief exploration of 800 years of history including both the use of Structural Adjustment Policies by the IMF and of the use of sugar in making alcohol) Until recently I had no experience of brewing beer, but I did have a interesting revelation / discovery courtesy of Peter Linebaugh, the US based radical historian. The revelation occurred during an event organised by Bristol Radical History […]

New Pamphlets

transparent fiddle New Pamphlets
Four new Bristol Radical History Pamphleteer pamphlets are being launched at Off With Their Heads. They are: The Bristol Manifesto - The 2008 G8 In Hokkaido: Strategic Assessment, by The Emergency Exit Collective John Locke - The Philosopher of Primitive Accumulation, by George Caffentzis The Life And Times Of Warren James - Free Miner In The Forest Of Dean, by Ian Wright 'Race war' - Black American GIs in Bristol and Gloucestershire During World War II To see more details of these pamphlets and […]

An Audience With Lucio Urtubia

transparent fiddle An Audience With Lucio Urtubia
‘Robbing Banks Is An Honour For Me' As a tasty hors d'oeuvre to Bristol Radical History Week 2008 we are extremely pleased to present Lucio Urtubia, anarchist, bank robber, forger, fugitive and above all bricklayer. We will also be showing the biopic/documentary Lucio. Monday 20th October, 7:30pm at The Cube. Click here for full details of this event.

We Give You So Much At One Time

transparent fiddle We Give You So Much At One Time
12 Events In 12 Days The programme for Bristol Radical History Week 2008 is complete. To see the full details of all the events CLICK HERE. Speakers: Geoffrey Robertson, Colin Thomas, Matt Carr, Phil Ruff, Ian Haywood, Dawn Dyer, Jane Bradley, Steve Poole, Robert Lamb, David Cullum, David Rollison, Gayle Boyle. Performers: Roy Bailey, Eirlys Rhiannon, Robb Jonhson And The Irregulars, Clayton Blizzard, The Surfin' Turnips, Who's Afear'd, Paul McCoch, Martin Maudsley. Tickets for the Roy Bailey […]

Bristol Radical History Week 2008

transparent fiddle Bristol Radical History Week 2008
Off With Their Heads Assassins, Plots & Regicide Saturday 24th October - Tuesday 4th November To see the full programme of these events click here. January 2009 sees the 360th anniversary of the regicide of Charles I and the creation of the English Republic, a unique moment in our island's history. To commemorate this momentous event, Bristol Radical History Week 2008 features 10 days of lectures, debates, gigs and 'happenings' dedicated to the men and women who have attempted to instigate […]

Trade It?

transparent fiddle Trade It?
Show Of Strength Theatre Company's next production, TRADE IT? takes place outdoors in Bristol from 24 June - 6 July 2008. A guided walk around lost areas of the city centre, with short performances along the way from writers including Catherine Johnson (MAMMA MIA), Sandi Toksvig and Mustapha Matura.

A poem about Charles Bishop’s quest to re-open a right of way through St Anne’s Wood in 1884.

By Julie Boston Bristol 1884 CHARLES BISHOP BATTLED ON Bristol 1884 'Who's that walking through my woods? Who's that fishing In my stream? Who's that drinking from my well? Who's that trampling on my dream? 'Last month I bought St Anne's Estate – The woods, the ferry and the Well – Put a lock on every gate Trespassers can go to Hell. How dear little Angelina dotes On her piebald pony and pedigree goats' James Sinnott, the villain of this tale, thought his plan couldn't fail if the ferryboat […]

Not A Penny Off The Pay, Not A Second On The Day

transparent fiddle Not A Penny Off The Pay, Not A Second On The Day
This is a 'celebration of the working classes, featuring a truly international line up of acclaimed urban artists.' Created by the same people behind 12 Days of Xmas this event is not only happening during the same week as BRHG's Down With The Fences but it is just around the corner as well. To see the full lineup of artists visit their website - Opening night - Thursday 1st May 7pm-10pm Then open everyday 12pm-7pm (closed on Tue 6th) The Old Motorcycle Workshop 15-19 Stokes Croft (opposite […]

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