Event from: Miscellaneous 2024

5th Dorset Radical Bookfair

Event Details
Date: , 2024
Time: to
Price: Free/donation
With: Mark Steeds, Roger Ball
Series: Miscellaneous 2024
Note: This event was not organised by BRHG.
Page Details
Section: Events
Projects: Edward Colston
Subjects: Colonialism, Race & Racism, Slavery & Resistance
Posted: Modified:

Dorset’s Fifth Radical Bookfair will take place on Saturday 5th October 2024 at Bad Hand Coffee Roasters: The Roastery, 7 Norwich Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH2 5QZ.

Doors open 11:00, close at 17:00.

Our e-mail for enquiries              dorsetbookfair@riseup.net

Our website (here)                      http://www.dorsetbookfair.wordpress.com

farcebook event

BRHG members will be running a bookstall and are providing two talks:

Talks and panels

11:30 – 12:30

Working with refugees in Portland. Hosted by Global Friendship Group.

Activists of the Global Friendship Group describe their efforts to welcome asylum seekers from the infamous Bibby Stockholm prison ship, and to challenge the hostility being stoked by racist politicians.

12:30 – 13:30

The Rise and Fall of Edward Colston. Hosted by Bristol Radical History Group.

Roger Ball and Mark Steeds will outline the history of Colston’s relationship to the transatlantic slave trade and the city of Bristol, the campaign to set the record straight, which culminated in the fall of the statue, and how the city has adjusted to these events in the aftermath.

13:30 – 14:30

The India-Pakistan partition. Hosted by Aanka Batta.

Aanka is a south Asian poet and educator residing in Bournemouth. She writes on anti-racism and the life experience of being a post colonial subject. In this talk she talks about the India-Pakistan partition, the horrors of which, her family and ten million other south Asians lived through.

14:30 – 15:30


The Arab Revolt of 1936–39. Hosted by Roger Ball.

The first sustained uprising of Palestinian Arabs in more than a century mobilised thousands of people from all classes and focussed Arab nationalism. The British declared martial law and shipped over 20,000 troops to Palestine, aided by more than 15,000 Jews in the armed Zionist movement. An estimated 5,000 Arabs were killed, 15,000 wounded, and 5,600 imprisoned. This, the catastrophe of WW2, and persistence of organised antisemitism in countries such as the U.K. is the background to the formation of the Israeli state.

Revolutionary Next Steps for a Free Palestine. Hosted by Youth Demand.

The Bournemouth coordinator for Youth Demand talks about what they stand for and the need for escalation in protest to stop the Palestinian genocide.

15:30 – 17:00

War in Ukraine. Hosted by Solidarity Collectives.

A presentation of our struggle in the war in Ukraine, presentation of our collective and a discussion with a speaker from ABC* Kyiv and Solidarity Collectives, and possibly the online presence of one of the comrades fighting.

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