Bristol History Podcast is dedicated to exploring various aspects of Bristol’s history. Produced in partnership with the Bristol Cable since April 2018. Episodes include Tom Brothwell’s interviews and conversations with Bristol Radical History Group members and many others.
Tag Index: Local history
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South Gloucestershire Mines Research Group
From the website: "The South Gloucestershire Mines Research Group (SGMRG) was set up by local people to understand, record and, where appropriate, preserve the remains of what was once an extensive industry for the present community and future generations. SGMRG is a voluntary organisation that relies on grants and donations from local people. Our membership is made up of archaeologists, surveyors, historians, engineers, cavers and those simply interested in finding more about what lies under […]
Frampton Cotterell and District Local History Society
A group of local people who are interested in the history of our area - just North of Bristol, England. Membership, events, and resources available on their website.
Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society
From the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society website: "The founders of BGAS back in 1876 wanted to create a learned society where interested individuals from any walk of life could share knowledge and discoveries about all aspects of the past, in Bristol and Gloucestershire. Today, while we tend to divide ‘the past’ into either history or archaeology, the two disciplines have always overlapped and we still aim to welcome anyone with a deep interest in either field." News, […]
Sodbury and District Historical Society
A local history group that meets the second Friday of each month, 7.30pm at the Masonic Hall, Hatters Lane, Chipping Sodbury, Bristol BS37 6AA. Annual fee is £15, no monthly fee. Join at any meeting, reduced annual fee after December for new members. E-mail: chippingsodburyhistoricalsocie
Making History Then and Now – Bristol Broadsides and Haunting Ashton Court
Two influential projects, one from the past and one from the present.....

We are very pleased to have Ian Bild a founding member of the influential Bristol Broadsides and the cast, researchers and organisers of the recent Haunting Ashton Court project speaking and performing at M Shed. Bristol Broadsides was a non-profit making publishing co-operative founded in 1977. Its aims were best summed up by the Hut Writers from the Southmead council estate in their book Corrugated Ironworks: For too long we’ve been sitting back, complacently accepting everything that has been […]
Pilning and Severn Beach History Group
Active local history group with website and Facebook. Pilning and Severn Beach, villages beside the Bristol Channel to the west of the city. Founded in 1999, the history group has since produced publications and newsletters on local history, and has assembled a a collection of archival documents and photographs relating to the local area. The Group's heritage trail is well worth checking out if you live in or are visting these villages. See website for further information and membership details.