Tag Index: Liverpool

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The Race Riots of 1919 in Liverpool and Cardiff

Introduction The so-called ‘race riots’[1] which broke out between January and August 1919 in seven ports[2], were some of the most serious and sustained instances of public disorder in twentieth century Britain. During these riots, white working – class crowds targeted black seamen, their families and black-owned businesses and property in these ports. Other black people, including military personnel and skilled workers also came under attack from white crowds. The 1919 ‘race’ riots came to […]

Sheila Coleman

Miscellaneous 2011
The recent debate in the House of Commons which culminated in a decision to release all Hillsborough documents was generally perceived as a victory for those fighting for justice. The debate arose because of an e-petition to release documents. The e-petition was initiated after the Hillsborough Justice Campaign issued a statement condemning the government for appealing the Information Commissioner's ruling that it was in the public interest to release (under Freedom of Information), the minutes […]

Liverpool 1911 – A City On The Edge

Miscellaneous 2011
Steve Higginson "Rhythms That Carry" "You need not attach great importance to the rioting in Liverpool last night. It took place in an area where disorder is a chronic feature". - Winston Churchill When Churchill made this statement to Parliament, Liverpool was under martial law: a gunboat was moored on the Mersey, dockers, seafarers, and transport workers were on general strike. Rhythms that Carry, will explore and illuminate new histories concerning the events of 1911. In 1886, a magazine […]

Hydra Books Opening Audio

transparent fiddle Hydra Books Opening Audio
Hydra books opened with a talk by Ian Bone on Saturday. Around 70 people turned up to listen to the talk and smell the still wet paint. Also, on Scouse Sunday Steve Higginson gave a talk about the 1911 dockers strike in Liverpool and Sheila Coleman from the Hillsborough Justice Campaign gave an update on the parliamentary debate, the Hillsborough Panel and the BBC's freedom of information request. Below you can find audio of all of these talks. Ian Bone - 1919 – Year of Revolution' Maria […]

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